The humbling river



I’m quite pleased to be able to tell you all that my poem, Beneath is to be published next month in the New Jersey Bards North West Poetry Review. This will be the first time one of my pieces has appeared in print but I’m hoping it will not be the last.

Thank you to all of you who have read and commented on my poetry over the past several years, your feedback and support continue to be greatly appreciated.









Life can be edited



Each moment

A photograph in my mind

Composed, lit, storied

Colours bleed into monochrome

Art in place of the merely mundane

Each turn of my head

A panorama

Each moment of concentration

A study in macro

And in those crazy hours

When life tilts

Grainy reportage and

Blurred action

Sell the drama and

Feed the observer

Perched pensive behind the lens.



Words and image are my own.

