It Lives!

Hiya friends.

Not sure how many of you are even left out there, I know it’s been a minute. I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t been idle. I previewed a couple of chapters from a book I was writing some time back and it got a pretty good response at the time. I really just wanted to let you all know that the book is now done.

It’s a post cyberpunk dystopia novel called Mind Fields and I’m currently looking for an agent who might be willing to represent me. I’m also looking for some beta readers to vet the manuscript and give feedback. If anyone might be interested in doing that, let me know and I’ll send you a pdf. I’m quite proud of the work I’ve done and am already formulating the plot to a sequel.

All is well here, btw, Jersey girl and I are still happily together and being all sorts of creative. I hope this missive finds you all just as happy and content.

Here’s a little speculative cover I whipped up just for fun.