Fire #3





Alpine Ash


Fire brought the light

And burned down the house

That was ever the deal

Sometimes, that which drives back shadows

Sets the curtains alight

Its all consuming nature is an ever-present threat


Fire can also temper steel

When she came, she set a bushfire in my mind

That tore through my body and soul but

Left me standing

Stronger than before


There’s a type of tree – back home

With seeds like stones

That can only open when the raging flames

Reach the canopy

It takes a literal conflagration to achieve germination

Throwing out life

Into the midst of utter devastation

We two are like that tree

Finding new ways to live

As everything around us withers

And dies.



Words and image are my own.





Queen of hearts


Hand to hold


At the denouement

We peer from our high bluff

Looking back

Upon all we bore

The deep black nights

And bleary red mornings

Seeing in this moment how the p a t i e n c e

The crazed commitment

With    no    certain hope of reward



Paid off

Knowing that

Though we were insane to believe

In the h a n d we held

The universe saw our insanity

And    raised the ante

And on a


We snatched the pot.



Words are my own.


